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NB: I have tested some of these codes, but by no means all.

? beside a line means that Im not sure of something about it: how it works; how it should be input (especially with a few duplicates); or even whether the definition is correct.

I got codes from: NB.DLG; NB.KBD; lists posted during 1999 by Enrique Lynch; a list in the latest NB.HLP; NB.DFL; and also from trying out commands that worked in NB4.

This list includes functions, variables, 2-letter keyboard codes, 3-byte command codes, commands executable from the command line, etc. In most cases there is an abbreviation in brackets at the end of the line, e.g. [KB]. It indicates one place where the code will work. Some codes (using the term loosely to cover all of the above categories) will work in more than one way. For instance, you can put the 3-byte code BC in a program with pfunc, and the 2-character code BC in a keyboard definition.

Some codes change function depending on where they turn up. AS means alternate screen in the keyboard or when put in a program with pfunc, but argument string when enclosed in command brackets.

Mary Bernard

April 2000

Download a print-friendly NBWin copy of this Code List here (v. X.XX, DATE, 2000, XXk).

<< When executed from the command line, these are put into a program within command brackets.
[CMD] These work as commands when executed from the command line (and come from a page in the NB5 Help file).
[DFL] These come from \NB5\USERS\DEFAULT\NB.DFL. They can be changed permanently; or temporarily with the commands:
F9 default XX=yy F10
or: F9 d XX=yy F10
I have included the defaults in my own NB.DFL as examples.
[KB] These occur in NB.KBD as 2-character codes
[F3] If executed from the command line, these open a window which you close with F3
[Pfunc] These can be entered in a program with pfunc, which in NB5 is on Ctrl semicolon
[XYWrite] These are a last-minute addition, copied from a XYWrite file (Xywweb.Inf) downloaded from the XYWrite web site. I havent tested them; they may or may not work in NB5


$0-$9 Call .DLG help frame with keyword $0--$9 [from NB.DLG]
$A-$Z Call .DLG help frame with keyword $A--$Z [from NB.DLG]
@0-9/A-Z Insert contents of Macro Key 0 or run program assigned to Macro Key 0 [NB.DLG]
&0 Run program assigned with LDPM filename,&0 [also 1-9/A-Z?] [NB.DLG]
#1--#9 Move cursor to window no. 1 / window no. 9  
1A ignore end-of-file marker (1=ignore; 0=dont ignore) {DF 1A=0} [DFL]
@upr Uppercases (use instead of NB4s rk)  
ab Abandon file [Cmd]
AC Turn Auto-Check on and off [Pfunc]
AD Append to macro [KB]
AH Allow hyphenation (on/off=1/0) {DF AH=0} [DFL]
AK Accelerator: Move to a specific item in action bar or dialog box [Pfunc]
AL0/1 Auto line spacing off/on <<
al Automatic leading [Cmd]
AN ? {DF AN=1} [DFL]
AOP Backup path {DF AOP=c:\nb5\bak} [DFL]
AOT Min, max Autosave time in minutes {DF AOT=2,2} [DFL]
AP Auto-pause on <<
append Append one file to another [Cmd]
AR Execute Expand Abbreviation [Cmd]
AS Move cursor between the two windows last displayed [Pfunc]
AS Argument string <<
attrib Attribute (read only option) [Cmd]
au Toggle Auto-Uppercasing on and off  
AZ Turn Auto-Replace on and off [KB]
B4 Display dialog box previous to the last one displayed [Pfunc]
BB Breakable block <<
BC Column break <<
BC Clear command line and move cursor to start of command line [KB]
BD Delete previous character [KB]
BF Move cursor to bottom of file [KB]
BF0/1 Footnotes against text / at bottom margin <<
bg Background (color) [d BG=n,n,n, where nn are red/green/blue values] [Cmd]
BK Stop command currently in progress; stop user program <<
BK0/BK1 Backup off / on <<
BL0/BL1 Blank lines not suppressed / suppressed <<
BN Buttons Face {DF BN=0,18,18,12,1}
argument= ButtonType,
Toolbar Width
Toolbar Height
button size
toolbar indent
(where Type is 0=Picture, 1=Text, 2=Both)
BO Border [F3]
BR Break [F3]
BS Move cursor to bottom of screen [Pfunc]
BT+no Bottom margin <<
BT Toggle window borders on and off [Pfunc]
BT Sets bottom margin: footer, nominal, minimum: maximum
{DF bt=.166IN,.5IN,.333IN,1.166IN}
BX Execute a command without putting it on the command line [Pfunc]
BZ Current button set (last argument in string) {DF BZ=-,Button Sets,Main} [DFL]
C0--C14 Counter 0--Counter 14 <<
ca/call Open file [Cmd]
CB Move through windows in the reverse order to that in which they were opened [Pfunc]
CB Spell check beep on/off (1/0) {DF CB=0} [DFL]
CC Toggle cursor between command line and text [KB]
cc Change case [Cmd]
CD Move cursor down one line [KB]
cd/chdir Change directory [cd on cmd line, with nothing after it, goes directly to NB5 directory] [Cmd]
ce Clear edit--redlining [Cmd]
CF Column Func (1=Ins before; 2=Ins after; 3=Del; 4=Sel column; 5=Sel table) [Pfunc]
cf Capitalize first (changing case) [Cmd]
CF Sets note separator status {DF CF=0} [DFL]
CH Delete the text on the command line without moving cursor [Pfunc]
ch Change [Cmd]
CI Switch to Overstrike mode (from Insert) [Pfunc]
ci Change, invisible [Cmd]
CK Spelling checker: ignore words with number (1=ignore) {DF CK=1} [DFL]
CL Column position <<
CL Move cursor left one space (to previous line if at beginning) [KB]
clrlib Clear library [Cmd]
CM Toggle between draft and expanded views [Pfunc]
CN Turn off Numeric Lock [F3]
CO Column [Pfunc]
CO Insert a comma into the text in keyboard file in place of (,) [KB]
copy Copying a file [Cmd]
copy/mv Move file [Cmd]
CP Text cursor position <<
CP Copy currently selected block of text to cursor position [KB]
CR Move cursor right one character; wrap to next line [KB]
CR X,y,z sets cursor values {DF CR=1,0,0,4}
a=blinking (0) non-blinking (1)
b=not used in windows
c=not used in windows
d=number (0-5)specifies the width of insertion point in dt=4 (graphic view)
CS:5 [The series of symbols that can be used instead of numbers in footnotes--but this isnt in the form of a standard default command.]
[single cross]
[double cross]
[double She]
[para mark]
CS Turn off Scroll Lock (Program mode) [Pfunc]
CT Create table [F3]
CU Count up operator [XyWrite]
CU Move cursor up one line [KB]
cv Change, verifying [Cmd]
DA Date delta in text (updates, presumably) [KB]
DB Move cursor to beginning of selected block [Pfunc]
DC Define counter [F3]
DC Begin selecting a column of text [Pfunc]
DD End selecting block and delete it. If no selection, delete character [Pfunc]
DE Move cursor to end of selected block [Pfunc]
DE Soft carriage return {DF DE=[13360],} [DFL]
delete Delete a file [Cmd]
DF Begin or end selecting a block of any size [KB]
DF1-DF3 Dump footnotes, set 1--set 3 <<
df Dump footnotes [Cmd]
DH Conditional hyphen {DF DH=~} [DFL]
DI Directory defaults, command line {DF DI=1,6,0} (first number is divisor; 2nd is number of lines displayed) [DFL]
dir Directory [Cmd]
DL Select line of text the cursor is on [KB]
DM Extend (or shrink) a block of selected text to cursor position. [KB]
DN Delete selected text without saving it on the delete stack [Pfunc]
DO Turn on display (complement of DX) [KB]
DOS Opens a DOS window [Cmd]
DOS /C Opens a DOS window, executes command after /C (you must leave a space) (NB4 command) [Cmd]
DP Select paragraph the cursor is on [KB]
DS Select sentence the cursor is on [KB]
DT Insert accumulated sum into text at the cursor position [KB]
DT Views: {DF DT=4}
DT=0 Expanded View
DT=1 Draft View without page breaks
DT=2 Draft View with page breaks
DT=4 Graphic View
DT=9 DT=1 with markers hidden
DT=10 DT=2 with markers hidden
DT=12 DT=4 with markers hidden
DT=17 DT=1 where only markers affected by scoping rules are hidden
DT=18 DT=2 where only markers affected by scoping rules are hidden
DT=20 DT=4 where only markers affected by scoping rules are hidden
DW Select word the cursor is on [KB]
DX Freeze display (complement of DO) [KB]
DY Printout color <<
DZ End selecting a block if selection is in progress [KB]
DZ Set date format {DF DZ=d Mmmm, yyyy } [DFL]
EA Opens command window for editing text only [Pfunc]
EB Error beep beep on/off (1/0) {DF EB=0} [DFL]
EC Move cursor to bottom of current cell [Pfunc]
EC End column ?
ED Select current row of cells in the table [KB]
EE Delete a row of entries in the table [Pfunc]
EE Element bottom margin <<
EF Display and/or edit the contents of a command marker [Pfunc]
EF Special printing effect <<
EI End if <<
EL Extra leading <<
EL Move cursor to far left of line, then to left end of previous lines [KB]
EN Open next file that matches a global filename specification. [Pfunc]
EP Error prompt (set from Prefs, Command Prompts)
print selection
print dir
func SA
del markers
font mismatch
prompt message for Correct cmd
{DF EP=0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0}
ER Error flag <<
ER Move cursor to right end of line, then to start and end of later lines [KB]
erase Delete file [CMD]
ES Remove dialog box, release selected text, or close a command window [KB]
ES Enable scoping rules {DF ES=0} [DFL]
ET Compute amount of time elapsed since ZT function and insert in text [Pfunc]
ET + no Element top margin <<
EU Sets language dependent parameters {DF EU=.,:,;}
German EU setting {DF EU=,.:;]}
EV Evaluate [F3]?
EX Exit function (programming) <<
EX Quit XyWrite, return to DOS (after prompt for verification) [Pfunc]
FA Frame area [F3]
FC Insert FC (Force Center) command <<
fc Force center <<[Cmd]
FD Form depth (page depth) {DF FD=11.7IN} [DFL]
FD Compare 2 files in current and previous windows--stop where no match [KB]
FF0/1 Form feed off/on <<
FF Force display to refresh [KB]
fg Foreground (color) [d BG=n,n,n, where nn are red/green/blue values] [Cmd]
FH Format bar (overall height of bar, height of multistate controls inside, indent: button size) {DF FH=17,17,1,10} [DFL]
FI Field identification : <<
find Find file [Cmd]
FL Insert FL (Flush Left) command <<
fl Flush left [Cmd]
FM Compare 2 files in current and previous windows--stop where files match [KB]
FM1-FM3 Footnote format, sets 1-3 <<
FN1-FM3 Footnote, sets 1-3 <<
FP Final page <<
FQ Items that go on the format bar (see UIF file for details) {DF FQ=-,format sets,main} [DFL]
FR Insert flush right command <<
FS Return cursor to last misspelled word and display spelling menu. [KB]
FS1-FS3 Footnote separator 1/2/3 <<
FT Footnote transition <<
FT Fixed line height--.166 is 1/6 or 1 line {DF FT=.166IN} [DFL]
FU Fill units, used in nbdos for estimating space of refs. {DF FU=3,5} [DFL]
FW1-FW3 Footnote wrap, set 1/2/3 <<
FX Transpose text (1=characters; 2=words; 3=sentences; 4=paras.) [use XN, not this--M.B.] [Pfunc]
FX Field separator {DF FX=| } [DFL]
FZ Date format for directory display {DF FZ=d.m.yyyy} [DFL]
GC Generate Citation (GC) [F3]
GH Move cursor to command line without clearing command line [KB]
GL Go to label <<
go Go to [Cmd]
GT Get contents of macro <<
GT Move cursor to text area [KB]
GU Gutter--inside,outside {DF GU=0IN,0IN} [DFL]
GW ? {DF GW=0} [DFL]
GX ? {DF GX=0,0,255,255,0,0,255,0,0,255,0,255,0,128,0,0,255,255,255,255,0,128,0,255,0,255,0,128,128,
H@ Display Help menu or context-sensitive help [Pfunc]
HC Move cursor to top of current entry in the table [Pfunc]
HF Display Help frame with same keyword as in the keyboard file [Pfunc]
HG Display border around graphic area without displaying graphic [Pfunc]
HL Display help frame related to first word on command line [Pfunc]
HM Move cursor to top of the screen <<
HV Sets hyphenation rules {DF HV=6,3,3} [DFL]
HY Automatic hyphenation {DF HY=1} [DFL]
Included in (was epsilon {element of} in NB4) <<
I1-I9 Index format, set 1--set 9 [F3]
IB Index break [F3]
IB Clear XyWrite keyboard buffer [Pfunc]
IE End of linked text <<
IF If conditional <<
IG Include graphic [F3]
IL Index label [F3]
IN Include text file <<
IO Turns on/off document information {DF IO=0} [DFL]
IP Indent paragraph {DF IP=.5IN,0IN,0IN} [DFL]
IS Insert text macro <<
IT Insert a tab on command line [Pfunc]
IV Invisible comments <<
JC If cursor is on a command marker, move right past all command markers [F3]
JD Jump to dialog box [F3]
JH Display Help frame with specified keyword [F3]
JM Display dialog box or run menu routine with specified keyword [F3]
jmp jump Jump to character #nnnnn in file (NB4 command)  
JR Journal {DF JR=1} [DFL]
JU Justification on <<
JU Justify on/off {DF JU=1} [DFL]
JZ=1 Job end, which controls PB and JB {DF JZ=1} [DFL]
KD Close currently displayed dialog box  
KF Redirect keyboard to XyWrite [KB]
L1 Command Line colors: current path [DFL]
L2 Message Line colors:
1 status indicators
2 normal message
3 page number-clock
4 wait-for-user message (|)
5 warning message ([ascii 12])
(L0, L3, L4 have no effect in Windows)
{DF L1=112}
{DF L2=112,112,112,176,224}
LB Label <<
LB Move cursor to far left of line and no farther [KB]
LC Hard carriage return {DF LC=} [DFL]
LD Leadering <<
LD Move cursor directly down one line [KB]
ldkbd Load keyboard file (NB4 command) [Cmd]
ldlib Load library [Cmd]
LE Move cursor to far right of line and no farther [KB]
LG Logic (LG) ?
LH (Low-high) sets super/subscript: {DF LH=50,117,22}
percent size
percent up
percent down
lj Line justify [Cmd]
LL Move cursor left one character; dont wrap to previous line [Pfunc]
LL Line leading <<
LL Line leading {DF LL=0LI,0LI} [DFL]
LM Left margin (earlier page model) {DF LM=0in} [DFL]
LN Line numbering <<
LQ Letter quality <<
LR Move cursor right one character; allow to move past carriage return [Pfunc]
LS Line spacing {DF LS=1LI} [DFL]
LT Toggle suppression of display of captured redlining login information [Pfunc]
LT Link text ?
LU Move cursor directly up one line [KB]
LV0/14 Counter 0--Counter 14, for TOC <<
LW Left page margin--odd, even [Pfunc]
M0 Type in mode at cursor, or make selected text match mode at cursor [Pfunc]
M1 Type text in normal mode, or make selected text normal [Pfunc]
M2 Type text in bold, or make selected text bold [Pfunc]
M3 Type text in underline, or make selected text underlined [Pfunc]
M4 Type text in reverse mode, or make selected text reverse [Pfunc]
M5 Type text in bold underline, or make selected text bold underlined. [Pfunc]
M6 Type text in bold reverse mode, or make selected text bold reverse. [Pfunc]
M7 Type text in superscript, or make selected text superscript. [Pfunc]
M8 Type text in subscript, or make selected text subscript [Pfunc]
M9 Type text in italic or make selecte text italic [Pfunc]
MB Display messages in message boxes vs. status line {DF MB=0} [DFL]
MC Select cell at the cursor location in the table [Pfunc]
MD Scroll text and cursor down one line [KB]
MD Type style:
md bi (bold italics)
md bo (bold)
md bu (bold underline)
md dn (strike through)
md in (double underline)
md it (italics)
md nm (normal)
md sd/md sb (subscript)
md su (superscript)
md ul (underline)
me/merge Merge file [Cmd]
MG current message {DF MG=} [DFL]
MI Switch from Overstrike to Insert until a cursor key is pressed [Pfunc]
MK Toggle display of format markers and line ending markers [KB]
mkdir Make directory [Cmd]
MN Use next 2 chars: CD=Cartridges, FO=Fonts, MT=Match Type, SZ=Size <<
MR Metric ruler on/off (1/0) {DF MR=0} [DFL]
MS Designate that a mouse is installed--Assign to key 105 [KB]
MT Military time on/off (1/0) [military time=24-hour clock] {DF MT=0} [DFL]
MT Multiply (*) or divide (/) accumulated sum by selected number. [Pfunc]
MU Scroll text and cursor up one line [KB]
MV Move currently selected block of text to cursor position [KB]
MW[xx] Microsoft Windows functions:
ac Cascade all text windows
ah Split all text windows horizontally
ar Tile all text windows
av Split all text windows vertically
cb Display contents of Windows Clipboard
cl Close text window
cp Copy selected text to Windows Clipboard
cu Cut to Windows Clipboard
hh Display help on using Help files
hi Display Help Index
mn Minimize XyWrite screen
pa Past text from Windows Clipboard
mv Display 4-headed arrow to move XyWrite screen
mw Move window
mx Maximize XyWrite screen
pa Paste text from Windows Clipboard
pl Paste link
pr Display information about Windows printer driver
ps Paste special
qu Quit
rm Restore text window to maximum size
rs Restore XyWrite screen to previous non-max|min size
rw Restore file
sf Repaint the screen
sl Scroll left
sr Scroll right
sw Size document window
sz Display 4-headed arrow to move text window
wf Make current text window full screen
wi Minimize text window
MX Same as M0, but does not get inserted in programs [Pfunc]
MY Magnify for dialog boxes (size,typeface) {DF MY=8,Helv} [DFL]
MZ Type text in bold italic, or make selected text bold italic. [Pfunc]
NB Designate selected block of text as unbreakable <<
nb Nonbreakable block [Cmd]
NC Move cursor to next character [Pfunc]
ne/new Create a new file [Cmd]
NF Move cursor to first line of next printed page [KB]
NF1/2/3 No footnotes, set 1/2/3 <<
nf No footnotes [Cmd]
NI No index <<
NI Prevent key from being passed to DOS (used in some kbd. assignments) [KB]
NJ Justification off <<
NK Change state of Numeric Lock key [Pfunc]
NL Move cursor to start of next line [KB]
NM Hide format markers and line ending markers [Pfunc]
NM0/1 Protected block off / on [Pfunc]
NN Generic Wild Card--the next character is the wild card [Pfunc]
NO No operation--used in keyboard files [KB]
now Time as text in file [Cmd]
NP Auto-pause off <<
NP Move cursor to start of next paragraph [KB]
NR Toggle the ruler line state among ruler, line, and blank [Pfunc]
NS Next style <<
NS Move cursor to start of next sentence [KB]
NT Note [F3]
NT/0 Annotation: General (NT/0) [F3]
NT/1 Annotation: Comment (NT/1) [F3]
NT/2 Annotation: Instruction (NT/2) [F3]
NT/3 Annotation: Argument (NT/3) [F3]
NT/4 Annotation: Drafting Tip (NT/4) [F3]
NT/5 Annotation: Query (NT/5) [F3]
NT/6 Annotation: Ibidem (NT/6) [F3]
NT/7 Annotation: Orbis: Status (NT/7) [F3]
NT/8 Annotation: Orbis: Keywords (NT/8) [F3]
NT/9 Annotation: Style Manual (NT/9) [F3]
NT Move cursor to the next tab without inserting a tab [KB]
NU Delete selected text, without saving it for possible later undelete [Pfunc]
NW Move cursor to start of next word [KB]
NW Automatic windows (NW=0 for manual windows ) {DF NW=2} [d NW=2 in NBSTART.INT makes directory persistent] [DFL]
NX Move cursor successively through all open windows [KB]
O1 Specifies how NB5 handles screen/printer font mismatches in graphic view {DF O1=1}:
0=use printer font widths and do error correction between words
1=use printer font widths and do error correction between characters
2=use screen font widths and do error correction at the end of the line)
OB Overstrike beep on/off (1/0) {DF OB=1} [DFL]
OD Offset display 0-7 {DF OD=32} [DFL]
OF Offset for right and left pages {DF OF=1IN,1IN} [DFL]
ON One-sided (margins) [Cmd]
OP Access the previously accessed Menu/Help/dialog frame <<
OP Orphan {DF OP=3} [DFL]
OR0 Orientation portrait <<
OR1 Orientation landscape <<
or Orientation [Cmd]
order Sorting a directory [Cmd]
OS0/OS1 One-sided printing off / on <<
PA Pause printing [F3]
PB Page begin string <<
PC Printer control string <<
PC Move cursor to the previous character [KB]
PD Scroll down one screen [KB]
pe Put edit--redlining [Cmd]
PF Put field [F3]
PF Move cursor to first line of previous printed page [KB]
pfunc enter command code into file from command line [Cmd]
PG Start new page <<
PGE/PGO New page if on even page / odd page <<
PI Insert printer string [F3]
PL Page length <<
PL Move cursor to start of previous line [KB]
PN Page number <<
PP Put paragraph [F3]
PP Move to start of previous paragraph [KB]
PR Prompt [F3]
PR Print the contents of the full screen [Pfunc]
print Printing [Cmd]
PS Previous style <<
PS Move cursor to start of previous sentence [KB]
PT Move cursor to previous tab position [KB]
PU Scroll up one screen [KB]
PV Put value of text macro <<
PW Page width {DF PW=8.25IN} [DFL]
PW Move cursor to start of previous word [KB]
PX Character used for visible page break {DF PX=45} [DFL]
Q1 Spelling: ignore once [Pfunc]
Q2 Spelling: suspend [Pfunc]
Q2 Execute the command entered with the BX function call [Pfunc]
Q3/Q4 Spelling: add word temporarily [Pfunc]
Q5/Q6 Spelling: add word permanently to personal dictionary [Pfunc]
Q7 Spelling: escape from spell-checking [Pfunc]
Q8 Spelling: replace questionable word with the highlighted word. [Pfunc]
QH Display the Menu/Help screen whose keyword precedes cursor. [Pfunc]
R0/R9 R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s) [KB]
RB Delete the word before the word the cursor is on [Pfunc]
RC Read character <<
RC Delete character under the cursor [KB]
RD Delete selected block of text [KB]
rd/rmdir Remove directory [Cmd]
RE Delete text from cursor to end of line [Pfunc]
REC Refer to chapter number <<
rec Reference chapter [Cmd]
red Redlining [Cmd]
REF Refer to footnote or counter number <<
ref Reference [Cmd]
re/read Open read-only file [Cmd]
rename Renaming a file [Cmd]
REP Refer to page number <<
rep Reference page [Cmd]
rf Running footer [Cmd]
RFA Footer, all pages <<
RFE Footer, even pages <<
RFO Footer, odd pages <<
RG0 Case: upper and lower as typed <<
RG1 Case: caps, ignore shift state <<
RG2 Case: lower, ignore shift state <<
RG3 Case: small caps <<
RG4 Case: caps and small caps <<
rh Running header [Cmd]
RHA Header, all pages <<
RHE Header, even pages <<
RHO Header, odd pages <<
RK Read Key--Toggle Record Keystrokes mode on and off [Pfunc]
RL Delete line the cursor is on [Pfunc]
RM Right margin <<
RN Round off numbers--? {DF RN=0} [DFL]
RO Turn redlining on and off [Pfunc]
RP Delete paragraph the cursor is in [Pfunc]
RR Repeat records [F3]
RS Delete sentence the cursor is in [Pfunc]
RS Record separator {DF RS=ASCII? ASCII? [DFL]
RT0/1 Relative tabs off/on <<
RV Preview document that is currently displayed (same as PRINTS) <<
RW Right page margin--odd,even ?
RW Delete word the cursor is on [Pfunc]
RX Execute the last set of keystrokes you recorded [Pfunc]
S+ Display next command in the command stack [Pfunc]
S- Display previous command in the command stack [Pfunc]
S1 Acute Accent [Pfunc]
S2 Grave Accent [Pfunc]
S3 Umlaut [Pfunc]
S4 Circumflex [Pfunc]
S5 O Accent [Pfunc]
S6 Tilde [Pfunc]
S7 Underline [Pfunc]
SA Save the currently displayed file [KB]
Save defined text/selection [Cmd]
sa/save Save file [Cmd]
salib Save library [Cmd]
SC0/1 Turn Auto-Check off/on ( 0=off, 1=on) <<
SC0/1 Superscript mode for footnotes off/on <<
SC Set superscript mode for footnotes {DF SC=SU} [DFL]
SD Space between text/footnote? [KB]
se Search [Cmd]
SF1-SF3 Set footnote no. in set 1 / 2 / 3 <<
SF Store all open files in all windows [KB]
sf Set footnote [Cmd]
SG Insert text or run program from Macro Key (next letter or number typed.) [Pfunc]
SG Assign save/get string [XYW save/get=NB phrase key]
Define type
Quote type
SH Display XyWrite action bar [KB]
SI Switch to Insert mode (from Overstrike) [Pfunc]
SK Show contents of the Macro Key indicated by next letter or number typed [Pfunc]
SL Save all open files in all windows [KB]
SM Add the number the cursor is on to the total [KB]
SN Select Numeric Lock state [Pfunc]
SN Snaking columns <<
SO Check spelling of a single word [KB]
sort Sort selected text [Cmd]
SP Set page number <<
SP Switch to formatted (page-line) view [KB]
spell Spell check [Cmd]
SR Set record [Pfunc]
SS Save style [F3]
SS Turn on Program mode [Pfunc]
ST Display help for format marker under the cursor [Pfunc]
ST Displays tabs (1=expanded view: 2=draft view) {DF ST=1} [DFL]
st Store file [Cmd]
SU Subroutine <<
SU Subtract the number the cursor is on from the total [KB]
SV Save value as literal <<
SV Save selected block of text to Macro Key of next character typed [KB]
SW Display the window menu [Pfunc]
SW Display the window menu [Doesnt work. Use &X#X, + window number. Its on Ctrl W] [Pfunc]]
SX Save expression <<
SY Display a list of synonyms for the word the cursor is on [KB]
SY Symbol set {DF SY=23Z,10,0,3} [DFL]
SZ Type (font) size {DF SZ=12PT} [DFL]
T1-T9 TOC format, set 1--set 9 [Pfunc]
TB0/1 Tabs-to-spaces on/off [Pfunc]
tc Tab clear << [Cmd]
TE Create a new row of entries in the table [KB]
TF Move cursor to top of the file [KB]
TF Top of form setting {DF TF=0} [DFL]
TG Toggle between expanded view and the view previously displayed [Pfunc]
TI Toggle between Insert and the active Overstrike mode  
TL Move cursor one column to left in table [F3]
TM Move to column element (0 = next; 1 = previous; 2 = top; 3 = bottom) [Pfunc]
tm Time delta in text (updates, presumably) [Cmd]
TN Toggle the state of the Numeric Lock [Pfunc]
TO Toggle between Character Overstrike and Insert mode <<
today Date in text [Cmd]
TP Toggle between formatted (page-line) view and view previously displayed [Pfunc]
TP Top margin for header text, body text {DF TP=.333IN,.833IN} [DFL]
TR Move cursor one column to the right in the table [Pfunc]
TR Tab reset <<
tree Displaying subdirectories [Cmd]
TS Toggles program mode if in a program [KB]
TS Tab set <<
TS Tab stops {DF TS=.5IN,1IN,1.5IN,2IN,3IN,4IN,5IN,6IN,7IN,8IN,9IN,10IN} [DFL]
TS Turn on Scroll Lock (may put Scroll Lock light out of synch) [KB]
TW Switch between Insert mode and Word Overstrike mode <<
TW Old text width (earlier page model) {DF TW=0in} [DFL]
UA How defined text is handled, 0=NB for DOS, 1=Windows {DF UA=0} [DFL]
UB Use border [F3]
UD Use dictionary [F3]
UD Restore last text deleted, or activate undelete stack dialog box [Pfunc]
UF Typface {DF UF=Times New Roman} [DFL]
UH Sets horizontal unit of measure {DF UH=in,in} [DFL]
UI Turns on buttons, format bar, and other user interface features:
1 CommandLine
2 StatusLine
3 Buttons
4 FmtBar
5 Ruler
6 MenuBar
7 HorizScrollBars
8 VertScrollBar
9 CommandLinePosition
10 StatusLinePosition
11 ButtonsPosition: {DF UI=1,2,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,2,0}
ul Underline [Cmd]
UL0 Underline everything <<
UL1 Underline all but tabs <<
UL2 Underline all but tabs, spaces <<
UL3 Underline only text <<
UM unhide mode markers {DF UM=0} [DFL]
UN Paste copy from clipboard [Pfunc]
UP Use page border [F3]
UP Delete spaces between cursor and the first character to its left [Pfunc]
up Use page border [Cmd]
US Use style <<
UV Sets vertical unit of measure {DF UV=in,in} [DFL]
VA Value of variable <<
VN Value of variable <<
WA Length of time tooltips are displayed (18=1 sec) {DF WA=36} [DFL]
WA Wildcard: Any alphabetic or numeric character in a search [Pfunc]
WC Wildcard: End-of-line character [Pfunc]
wc Word count [Cmd]
WD Widow {DF WD=3} [DFL]
WF Makes text wraps to fit window (with DT=0, 1 or 9) {DF WF=1} [DFL]
WG Switch text to draft view without Page-Line indicators [KB]
WH Emulate WordPerfects implementation of the Home key [Pfunc]
WL Wildcard: Any letter A-Z in a search [Pfunc]
WM Wait for message [F3]
WN Auto-renumber window (0); fixed window number, NB4 style (1) {DF WN=1} [DFL]
WO Word overstrike {DF WO=1} [DFL]
WS1 Whole-space justify on <<
WN Wildcard: Any number 0 through 9 in a search [Pfunc]
WS Wildcard: Any word or sentence separator in a search [Pfunc]
WW Wildcard: Any string from 1 to 80 characters in a search [Pfunc]
WX Wildcard: Any character in a search [Pfunc]
WX Windows extended char {DF WX=Dutch,Swiss,Courier10,,}:
WZ Toggle between graphic view and the view previously displayed [KB]
X1-X9 TOC/index markers #1--#9 <<
XC Execute command that is currently on command line [KB]
XD Release selected block of text, or close and save command window [KB]
XD Sets directory to read-only {DF XD=0} [DFL]
XH Remove any currently displayed Menu or Help screens from view [KB]
XM Move cursor to middle of line [KB]
XM Transpose messages order on prompt line {DF XM=*PL} [DFL]
XM Displays page-line no. and time on status line {DF XM=*PL*TI} [DFL]
XN Transpose text (1=character; 2=word; 3 sentence; 4=paragraph) [KB]
XP Switch text to expanded view [KB]
XP Explanation (XP) ?
XS Toggle display of markers affected by scoping  
XS Extract string <<
XT Displays message when cursor steps on a marker {DF XT=1} [DFL]
XX Define floating accent (must also be entered in AC Table in Default file) [Pfunc]
XX,ANSI?? Cedilla accent pair [XYWrite]
XX,/ Stroke/slash accent [XYWrite]
XX, Double acute accents [XYWrite]
XX,se Macron accent [XYWrite]
XX,K Ogonek accent [XYWrite]
XX,I Caron accent pair [XYWrite]
XX,O Breve accent [XYWrite]
YD Release selected text but dont close a command window [KB]
ZC Allow upper and lower case for spelling {DF ZC=1} [DFL]
ZM Zoom page to 85% width {DF ZM=100} [DFL]
zoom Zoom [Cmd]
ZS Point size (printing) {DF ZS=6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,30,36,48,72,96,120,144} [DFL]
ZT Reset stopwatch function to zero and start timer [Pfunc]


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Page Last Updated: 1 April, 2001